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Why is Spay and Neuter So Important?

Spay and neuter programs are essential for several reasons:

1. Overpopulation Control:
There is an overpopulation of un-sterilized, unwanted animals who live on the streets and face neglect, abuse, starvation, and are considered a threat to community health. Spaying and neutering help to control and reduce this overpopulation.

2. Community Education:
Education is needed to change the norm of seeing mangy, starving dogs as acceptable. Spay and neuter programs can raise awareness and educate communities on the importance of humane treatment and responsible pet ownership.

3. Commitment to Pets:
Puppies are often given to children as toys and are not expected to survive in harsh conditions. This lack of commitment can be addressed by emphasizing the importance of spaying and neutering to prevent unwanted litters and promote responsible adoption practices.

4. Accessibility to Veterinary Care:
Many people cannot afford veterinary care, and taxis often won't pick up passengers with dogs. As a result, most animals are never vaccinated or treated for parasites. Spay and neuter programs can provide accessible veterinary care and improve the overall health of the animal population.

5. Improving Animal Health:
The average dog is often skinny, mangy, tick and flea-infested, and not welcome inside the home. Spay and neuter programs can improve the health and well-being of both owned and stray animals, reducing their suffering and enhancing their quality of life.

Spaying and neutering is the humane solution in addressing these challenges and creating healthier, more humane communities for animals, people and the tourists who visit.

​Why Is Spay and Neuter Needed?


Dog Statistics:

  • The average number of litters a fertile dog can have a year: 2

  • The average number of puppies per litter: 8

  • Thus, in 6 years, 1 dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies

  • What keeps these numbers from being astounding is that only 1/4 of those puppies actually survive because of the environment they are born into.


Cat Statistics:

  • The average number of litters a fertile cat can have a year: 3

  • The average number of kittens per litter: 5

  • Thus, in 7 years, 1 cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 kittens


Spay and neuter programs are crucial in addressing these alarming statistics. By preventing unwanted litters, we can reduce the number of animals that suffer from neglect, abuse, and poor living conditions.


These programs also help change the perception of animal care in communities, promoting responsible pet ownership, improving the overall well-being of animals, and creating a better experience for tourists who visit.

Tourist Experience:   Encountering suffering animals can deeply affect tourists, leaving a negative imprint on their travel memories. By addressing this issue humanely, we enhance the overall visitor experience, encouraging repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth.
Corporate Responsibility: In today’s socially conscious market, businesses are expected to contribute positively to society. By collaborating with CANDi, travel companies can demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices, improving their brand image and attracting more customers.

©2006 CANDi

CANDI Cats and Dogs International Inc.

is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit

EIN 20-5299890

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